Minutes 13th September 2023


Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held 13th September 2023


PRESENT;  Cllrs Bailey;  Dransfield; Powis; Gilpin; Start, Young and Cooper

Mrs J. Cooper (Parish Clerk)

9 members of the public


During the public session concerns and objections were raised regarding the planning application for change of use to small holding, erection of stables and construction of outdoor menage Pado Lane, Swaby.  Members heard their concerns and comments and noted these for discussion under the agenda item.


37           APOLOGIES

                Apologies and valid reasons for absence were received from Cllrs Millburn and Gibson and these were accepted.


                Cllr  Gilpin declared a personal interest in the planning application as he lived nearby.

39           PLANNING

                It was resolved to move the planning application to this stage in the meeting.

                Planning application 1498/23 – change of use of land to smallholding, erection of stables and construction of outdoor menage – opposite Springan Lea, Pado Lane, Swaby.

                After much discussion and taking on board concerns from residents, it was resolved to object to the planning application on the following grounds:

  • The proposed building and outdoor school affects the line of a definitive public footpath
  • The structures and outdoor school will be built on a medieval site of archaeological importance;
  • The site is within and adjacent to an area containing many protected species, eg bats and greater crested newts.
  • There appears to be insufficient parking provision for the use of the land.
  • Little or insufficient natural screening will result in a visual impact on neighbouring properties and on the surrounds.
  • Within the application there is mention of a play area for children – this will result in a noise impact on neighbouring properties and is unsuitable for this rural location.
  • Flood lighting – the proposed lighting for the outdoor school will have a negative impact on the surrounding area, causing light pollution to immediate neighbours and the area in general, which by its locality, has little local lighting.
  • There is also concern at potential over intensification of livestock numbers for this small area of land, British Horse Society recommends a minimum of 1 acre of grazing per horse and the number of stables indicates potential for at least 4 horses on this small area, coupled with the proposed “livestock” pens and the danger of mixing poultry breeds in close proximity against Government guidance on Avian Flu prevention.
  • It is envisaged that the number of livestock will create significant animal waste which will then create a smell and fly problem.  Any dung heap will leach liquid potentially into the nearby chalk stream with potential contamination of the whole chalk stream system.
  • Overall it is felt the proposal will have a detrimental impact on the character of the area and on the archaeological and natural importance of the site.

It was also agreed to ask ELDC Cllr Grist to call the application in to be heard at Committee rather than be dealt with through officer Delegated Powers.

After this discussion 4 members of the public left the meeting.


                It was resolved that the Chairman sign the minutes as a correct record of that meeting.

41           UPDATES

                Cllr Powis updated members on the receipt of litter picking equipment from LCC.  He asked about purchase of ~”hoops”.  Cllr Bailey confirmed that some time ago ELDC donated 8 pickers and hoops.  It was noted that the Council now had 16 pickers, 8 hoops and 8 hi viz jackets for use for community litter picks, and these would be stored at the Village Hall.


                Cllr Gilpin updated members on the training event held at the Village Hall on 16th August.  There were 13 attendees who were shown the process of CPR and told what happens during a call to 999.  He was given information about a community emergency telephone system which, on further investigation, would be an expensive system.  He had also enquired about a First Aid training session at the Village Hall, which would be a cost of £250.  To be considered at the next meeting to see if the Council could fund this.

43           FINANCE

                It was resolved that the following  accounts by paid by BACS:

                Clerks salary & PAYE (Aug/Sept)                                                £295.92

                LALC Training Cllr Powis                                                                £  30.00

                Cook & son – fitting Defib                                                             £  60.00


                The Clerk had circulated a bullet point history of the Swaby Fund, being money raised from the sale of land and ring fenced for spending on Swaby.  Swaby Councillors were automatically “trustees” of the fund, although it was not a registered charity.  After discussion it was confirmed that legally the funds belonged to Swaby Group Parish Council and that historically decisions on its spending fell to Swaby Councillors only.  It was also agreed that the monies should be shown in the Council’s annual audit – Clerk to obtain advice from LALC on whether it be shown in the current account funds or as a separate fund.


                Cllr Bailey confirmed he had located the deeds to the Village Hall, which were held by Tinn Criddle in Alford.  Currently he and the Clerk were investigating the whereabouts of the deeds for the allotment garden land.  Both sites had been registered with Land Registry and Cllr Bailey had set up a Property Alert for both.


                The circulated Risk Management Policy was agreed.


                The Clerk confirmed a search in Council files had revealed a signed tenancy agreement between the current tenants and the Council.  It was agreed no further measures were necessary.


                After looking into the matter it was agreed that there was no need for such a licence, the Village Hall Committee managed  the hall on behalf of the Parish Council on the basis of an existing agreement signed by both parties.

49           ANY OTHER MATTERS

                (note agenda item for planning moved to minute 39)

                There were no other general matters.

                Next agenda items to include funding for first aid course and 24 / 25 budget

50           NEXT MEETING

                This was agreed as 15th November 2023.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm