Agenda 12th July 2023
07714 323722 Clerk: Mrs J. Cooper
Rose Cottage
Asserby Corner
Bilsby, AlfordLincs LN13 9QR
3rd July 2023
The next meeting of the Swaby Group Parish Council is scheduled for 12th July 2023 at 7.00 at the Village Hall.
J. Cooper
Parish Clerk
Prior to the commencement of the meeting there will be a 15 minute session when members of the public present may raise matters with the Council. Once this 15 minute session has ended members of the public may not speak during the Parish Council meeting.
A g e n d a
- Apologies for absence – to receive apologies and approve reasons for absence as appropriate
- To receive any declarations of interests in agenda items.
- To receive the notes of the meeting held 16th May 2023 and approve the Chairman’s signature
- To receive any updates from that meeting
- To receive update regarding defibrillator in Swaby and look to arrange training session.
- To receive update on Councillor Induction course (Cllr Gilpin)
- Financial –
- To approve payments due
- To approve amendments to the following administration documents (as discussed 16th May 2023)
- Risk Assessment (to incorporate details regarding Village Hall)
- Financial Regulations (to remove reference to three year forecast & alternative petty cash)
- Asset Register (to note location of notice boards)
- Data Protection (to add …to the Parish Clerk…)
- To consider the following policies:
- Dignity at Work
- Disciplinary
- Equality and Diversity
- Expenses
- Grievance
- Pay
- Sickness
- Any correspondence received
- Swaby Village Fund – to receive update on its remit and governance
- To consider a formal tenancy agreement in respect of allotment gardens, together with consideration of location of title deeds & registration of land with Land Registry
- Village Hall – to consider current documents and whether to amend contact address on Land Registry and to consider a formal lease document between Village Hall Committee and Parish Council.
- Planning – to consider any planning applications and decisions received
- To consider any matters for general discussion and items for next agenda
- To confirm date of next meeting