Agenda Annual Council Meeting 17th May 2023
07714 323722 Clerk: Mrs J. Cooper
Rose Cottage
Asserby Corner
Bilsby, AlfordLincs LN13 9QR
9th May 2023
The next meeting of the Swaby Group Parish Council, which will be the Annual Council Meeting, is scheduled for 17th May 2023 at 7.30 OR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING at the Village Hall.
J. Cooper
Parish Clerk
A g e n d a
- Election of Chairman
- To receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office & to receive Declarations of Acceptance of Office of councillors
- Election of Vice Chairman
- Co-option of any persons interested in filling the vacancies (1 Haugh; 3 Swaby)
- Apologies for absence – to receive apologies and approve reasons for absence as appropriate
- To receive any declarations of interests in agenda items.
- To receive the notes of the meeting held 8th March 2023 and approve the Chairman’s signature
- To receive any updates from that meeting
- To confirm Clerks salary scale as Scale Point 6 (ex scale point 13)
- To consider nomination for LALC Management Committee
- To receive update regarding purchase of defibrillator in Swaby, including final costs (breakdown attached for members)
- Financial –
- To approve payments due
- To note final end of year figures 1st April 22 – 31st March 23
- To receive audit AGAR forms and approve Chairman’s signature of same:
- Certificate of Exemption (attached for members)
- Governance Statement (attached for members)
- Accounting Statement (attached for members)
- To note Internal Auditor’s report
- To consider registering for Internet Banking to allow some authorised BACS payments.
- To receive update from Cllr Bailey on matters relating to the roads and Quarry South Thoresby and to note matters raised by Aby Parish Council to LCC regarding the state of the roads, and the response
- To receive any amendments to and approve the following administration documents:
- Standing Orders
- Risk Assessment
- Financial Regulations
- Asset Register
- Data Protection Audit
- Code of Conduct
- Planning Policy
- Any correspondence received
- Planning – to consider any planning applications received
- To consider any matters for general discussion and items for next agenda
- To confirm date of next meeting
Planning Post Box Cottage, White Pit Lane – Extension & alterations & change use outbuilding to annex