Agenda 9th november 2022



07714 323722                                                                                                                                             Clerk:  Mrs J. Cooper

                Rose Cottage

Asserby Corner

Bilsby, Alford

Lincs LN13 9QR

1st November  2022


The next meeting of the Swaby Group Parish Council, which will be held on Wednesday 9th November 2022 at 7.00pm.


Councillors are hereby summoned to attend.


Prior to the commencement of this meeting there will be a 15 minute session when members of the public may ask questions of the Council.


J. Cooper

Parish Clerk

A g e n d a


  1. Apologies for absence – to receive apologies and approve reasons for absence as appropriate
  2. To receive any declarations of interests in agenda items.
  3. To consider co-option of any interested parties & receive Declaration of Acceptance if appropriate
  4. To receive the notes of the meeting held 7th September 2022 and extra ordinary meeting held 27th October 2022 and approve the Chairman’s signature
  5. To receive any updates from those meetings
  6. To consider further the provision of a defibrillator in Swaby / situated at Village Hall
  7. Financial –
    1. To approve payments due
    2. To note proposed budget / precept requirements for 23/24 year
  8. To receive update from Cllr Bailey on matters relating to the roads and Quarry South Thoresby
  9. To consider provision of new notice board in Swaby, or repairs to existing as appropriate.
  10. To consider whether to ask ELDC/LCC to look at switching off street lights in the parish.
  11. Any correspondence received
  12. Planning – to consider any applications received and note any decisions.
  13. To consider any matters for general discussion and items for next agenda
  14. To confirm date of next meeting


Planning Application: N163/1894/22 – Change use farm buildings to holiday lets – Driby Top Farm