Public notice 14th October 2020



2nd October 2020


The next meeting of the Swaby Group Parish Council is scheduled for 14th October 2020 at 7.00pm   

at the Village Hall.  Prior to the meeting there will be a 15 minutes public session when members of the public may raise matters of concern with members. Please note the following Covid-19 advice:


  • Agendas and minutes will not be printed and circulated between Councillors, nor will they be circulated to members of the public.  Please print off your own agenda to bring to the meeting and take it away with you afterwards – visit
  • Any members of the public attending MUST observe social distancing rules, and seat where allocated.
  • Members of the public MUST NOT physically approach councillors or the Clerk within the confines of the meeting hall, and must not congregate inside after the meeting.
  • In accordance with recent Government advice, face coverings are to be worn – these can be either a face mask; a scarf or a bandana.



J. Cooper

Parish Clerk

A g e n d a


  1. Apologies for absence – to receive apologies and approve reasons for absence as appropriate
  2. To receive any declarations of interests in agenda items.
  3. To receive the notes of the meeting held 12th July 2020 and approve the Chairman’s signature
  4. To note update on actions taken since last meeting.
  5. Financial –
    1. To approve any accounts for payment (being Clerks salary Aug/Sept)
  6. To consider any amendments to and approve the following policies:
    1. Standing orders
    2. Financial Regulations
    3. Code of Conduct
    4. Asset Register
    5. Risk Assessment
  7. To consider request to vary the number of times the verges in the parish are cut by non LCC contractors
  8. To discuss and consider what action can be taken regarding the state of the road in the immediate vicinity of the Quarry, South Thoresby
  9. To consider any matters for general discussion and items for next agenda
  10. To confirm date of next meeting